一分钟影像 · 南京之旅 The One Minutes on Tour - Nanjing: Remake
展览地点:南京艺术学院美术馆 3展厅
开幕时间:2016年10月21日 15:00
策展人:Julia van Mourik、陈瑞
主办:一分钟影像基金会(荷兰) The One Minutes Foundation
The One Minutes started out in 1998 as a show on local television in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Sandberg Instituut, Masters of Art and Design was invited to fill an hour of airtime once a month, between midnight and one A.M. Then two students asked their friends and family to make one-minute films. A brilliant new format was born. Within the inexorable limit of 60 seconds, it turned out, anything was possible, whether it's a formal investigation, a statement, an experiment, a short narrative or a documentary.
For the spectator The One Minutes offers a provocative experience, a challenging way of viewing moving image. The strength of the format comes from the films’ diversity on every imaginable level. Making watching them in sequence an overwhelming experience. It opens you up to the diversity of the work and makes you long for even more variation, more surprises, more amazement. That is what makes The One Minutes so compelling.
The One Minutes Foundation’s core activity is it’s monthly series, that enables the creation of new films. Other important activities include the workshops we initiate locally and abroad. In this respect The One Minutes Jr., our division for youth, is also notable. We aim to be an organisation that creators and curators recognise and embrace as a place where they can experiment, produce and show film to a broad audience in an authentic way.
In terms of content The One Minutes exists at the intersection of art and film. For artists this can mean an opportunity to experiment and to present their work outside the bounderies of their oevre. A democratic platform where art functions also outside the context of the art world. Established artists are encouraged to forge alliances with up and coming artists, amateurs, art and film students and even youth, opening up new territories for makers and audience.
The one hour at midnight on local tv grew into a worldwide platform. As a result sister organizations emerged, while television channels, arts institutions and film festivals all adopted segments of The One Minutes, each introducing it’s own interpretation.
In 2000, the first The One Minutes Workshop in Xiamen University was held. Since then we have witnessed the development of The One Minutes in China. In 2008, Chinese artists participated in the Venice Biennale as part of The One Minutes. In 2009, the first The One Minutes Awards ceremony took place in Shanghai. In 2010, City One Minutes were presented at EXPO Shanghai. Since 2011, The One Minutes is a returning section in the annual Shanghai International TV Festival.
In time, The One Minutes became a bridge of cultural exchange between Chinese and international artists, filmmakers and students.
This catalogue celebrates the new and fruitful collaboration of The One Minutes Foundation and the Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts. The museum co-curated and designed a show that is in a sense a truly Chinese remake of the realm of The One Minutes. For this, I would very much like to thank Professor Qin for introducing us to the museum, Chen Rui for curating the exhibition, and The One Minutes team for all their efforts. It is their commitment and hard work that made this special exhibition
We look forward to the future. To exploring, together with all our partners, the great potential that moving images have for art and for the world.
Julia van Mourik
The One Minutes Foundation
朱利安 范 穆里克
The One Minutes on Tour – Nanjing: Remake
‘The One Minutes on Tour – Nanjing: Remake’ finally came to Nanjing after several months of planning and ready to start a new journey. This exhibition is an international exhibition on showing the short films that was hosted by the Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts in collaboration with The One Minutes Foundation, Netherlands. Just as its word implies, The One Minutes means films in the length of one minute, as I heard this name at the beginning, a question mark raised inside my mind. Firstly I thought there would be some kind of ‘gimmick ’in the specific one minute length which was set by intention, then i also held doubts about whether the time would be enough for making a film? Could them be fully made ?
When seeing all the films that were provided by The One Minutes Foundation, all the doubts from before disappeared, all of a sudden it felt like a treasury that was just discovered, and a window was opened at the same time. There is just too much possibilities included in this only one minute, the variety of the film formats were like a kaleidoscope, narrative,experimental, technical......and the most important part is that watching these films will not bring tiredness at all but will bring unlimited expectations for the next One Minute. Through aspect of the Psychology of Acceptance, the set of one minute in length will not bring any serious viewing obstacles to the audiences, ‘Standardization’ production in time will not bring any mental stress to the viewers, on the contrary it might even provide a beneficial guidance to the viewers. Through the aspect of artistic practice, when set a certain restriction sometimes, not only it would be boundaries or limitations, but also to grow a new creation with its brand new dimension, it is like what we often used to say ‘Dance with a shackle’, limitations that are beneficial will stimulate possibilities that are limitless.
It can not be ignored that the influence and success The One Minutes had achieved today also suit the trend and development of the time. The explosion of the information and this fast-paced life had made us fearing the ‘time’, between tediousness&vastness, conciseness&divertingness, i believe most people would choose the latter. We can not evaluate which way is better or worse, but a choice made by the time, and this is certainly the facts. Despite the entertainment reflection in The One Minutes which are inevitable, it is the rebellion of the previous tediousness&vastness with awareness or not. This is very significant.
The most important point is, with a clear purpose and vision for AMNUA to bring ‘The One Minutes’ exhibition from Netherlands this time. Undeniably ,with video art being one of the directions in the development of Contemporary Art, it had its own advantage in expressing and spreading which holds an important status. Meanwhile, ‘Video Hotness’ had already became an phenomenon of the Contemporary Art in China as more and more Chinese artists are trying to use this format to make their work. But the more ‘hotter’ it goes, the more we need to be alerted and open minded.
I wish all the success for ‘The One Minutes on Tour – Nanjing: Remake’.
陈瑞 南京艺术学院美术馆策展人
Chen Rui Curator of AMNUA